Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am in person and live streaming through Facebook.
Click here for weekly bulletin, prayer and Bible study resources for you and your family
OFFICE HOURS - By appointment. Email administrator@
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Vanco is a respected electronic giving service working with churches in the Diocese of New Jersey. You can make a one-time gift or recurring payments. CLICK THE "SUPPORT ST. LUKE'S" button on the tool bar (above) or the "Give Plus" graphic (below).
Welcome to St. Luke's
Welcome to our community of faith.
You can view our services on Facebook. The information you need to join us is below. And we post to our YouTube and Facebook pages later in the week. Find us on Facebook at "St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Ewing"
St. Luke's Episcopal Church Ewing
Upcoming Events
TRINITY CATHEDRAL FOOD PANTRY: Please remember to pick up staple food items for the Cathedral food pantry: canned veggies and fruit, canned protein, PB & jelly (no glass jars please), rice, noodles, beans, etc. Leave your contributions in the basket under the usher's table.
St. Luke's Statement on Racism and Support for the Goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement
The Black Lives Matter Committee of St. Luke's Episcopal Church is committed to eliminating the destructiveness of racism in our society. St. Luke's has long been dis-tinguished by a culture of diversity and inclusion, and the purpose of our BLM Committee is to promote social justice, through intentional actions to raise awareness in our target audiences and create change, at both the individual and systemic levels.
Racial Justice Project Large 540p
St. Luke's is "the little church that does big things." We are a vibrant and intimate community seeking to be faithful to our baptismal promise: to continue in the Apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer. We take to heart our promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to strive for justice, and to respect the dignity of every human being. We are a people of hope and joy, committed to sharing Christ's love in ways that make God's world a better place for all people. You are welcome here--and we mean that!